Wednesday, July 4, 2012

James is in transit...

One more time... my James!  (I am actually going to call her James St. James... in honor of her original name, but also to give her my own nickname.)  She was mailed yesterday... she's on her way for my birthday!  And my other b-day present to myself was totally spontaneous.  Yesterday evening, I was poking around on ebay and I discovered a super-cheap Simply Guava scalp with no bids on it. I put in a bid, thinking that I would certainly be outbid... but no one else bid on it and I got it for the lowest possible price.

It was just listed as pink Blythe scalp - but it seems to me to be a Simply Guava - with the exact hair-style... so I don't think it's factory.  Even if it is fake or factory... it will definitely be better quality that Charlotte's current current hair.  Here is the e-bay listing picture.  Do pardon the nudity... poor girl. :(

I have been on the look-out for a cheap scalp with bangs that would be an improvement over Charlotte's current Blybe/Basaak scalp.  I did add some knotted-method highlights that I salvaged from a Cool Cat wig & then I gave her a bob... but her hair is still sort of a challenge - mostly because of scalp gap... & also that her original hair, though thickened up and restyled, was never very good quality.

I never thought of her as a pinky girl, but I have always kind of wanted a girl with pink hair & now that I have a psuedo-mango on the way... why not a pseudo-guava too!

I am really excited for Char-Char to get some quality hair that I didn't have to spend a fortune on...  I know she is "just a clone" - but she is my first girl and she has a heart of gold!  She has a special place in my heart and I want to spoil her a bit.  We tried to change out her chips with no success.. but the hair, I feel confident with.  I hope she doesn't find that going pink is too much of a shock!

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